About us
Our name
Maintaining harmony in conducting clinical trials is essential to success. In a symphony one false note can ruin an entire composition. Similarly, in clinical research one small error can impact the entire outcome of your trial.
Our mission
At Harmony Clinical Research (HarmonyCR), it is our mission to build harmonious long-term relationships and to provide professional, comprehensive, and seamless clinical project and staffing services to clinical teams, investigators, and service providers.


Clinical services
HarmonyCR supports clients throughout the clinical trial lifecycle, either in a full-service model or by applying a modular approach. Our comprehensive service package includes medical writing, regulatory, project management, site management, data management, statistics, pharmacovigilance, and medical monitoring.
Staffing services
At HarmonyCR, we offer staffing services on a flexible basis. Various outsourcing scenarios are possible, e.g., on project basis, temporary, part-time or full-time basis. Outsourced staff can work at the client’s office, home-based, or in a hybrid model.